
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

CSIR – NGRI Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 for Project Assistant Level – II/ III and Other Posts

CSIR – NGRI Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 for Project Assistant Level – II/ III and Other Posts

                  CSIR – National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad invited applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Project Assistant Level – II/ III and other posts under various projects purely on Temporary Basis. The eligible candidates may appear for the Walk –in- Interview for the respective posts on 17 May 2016 at 09:00 AM at CSIR – National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Uppal Road, Hyderabad – 500 007.

Eligibility Criteria

For AIEEA-UG-2016: Not less than 16 years as on 31st August, 2016.
For AIEEA-PG-2016: Not less than 19 years as on 31st August 2016 (must not have been born after 01st Sept.-1997).
For AICE-SRF (PGS)-2016 (for PhD): Upper age limit shall be 30 years for General/UPS category candidate as on 22nd May 2016, the date of exam; the upper age limit for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PC/OBC (Non-creamy layer as per the Central list of OBC) categories shall be relaxable by 5 years.
For in-service candidates, the upper age limit shall be 45 years in all cases as per the extant norms and guidelines.
Qualifying Examination
For AIEEA-UG-2016 (Other than Veterinary Sciences): Must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate for admission under General, UPS (Underprivileged State) and OBC Categories or 40% Marks in aggregate for admission under SC, ST and PC categories in 10+2 exam or equivalent/Inter (Agriculture) with PCM/PCB/PCMB/PCA/PCH subject combinations.
For AIEEA-PG-2016: Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture, Veterinary, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries, Horticulture, Home Science, Sericulture, Dairy Technology, Forestry, Agri, Marketing and Cooperation, Food Science, Biotechnology, Basic and allied Sciences, etc. under 10+2+5 or 10+2+4 or 10+6 Years Degree Programs.
Few seats are also available for candidates having Bachelor Degree with 10+2+3 year Degree Programme with required OGPAof 6.60/10,3.25/5,2.60/4 for General, OBC and UPS Categories, whereas for SCI ST/PC Categories, the said requirement is 5.60/10, 2.75/5, 2.20/4 respectively.
In other cases, where grade-points are not awarded and only marks are awarded, the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General, OBC and UPS categories whereas for SC/ST/PC, the requirements is 50% marks (Equivalence between OGPA and % marks will not be acceptable.
The in-service candidates, seeking admission in ICAR Deemed-to-be-Universities, should see their respective website for further details.
For SRF (PGS)-2016: Candidates must have passed Master’s Degree Program in the concerned discipline, securing OGPA of at least 6.50/10.00 scale, 2.60/4.00 scale for General, OBC Categories, and 5.50/10.00, 2.75/5.00, 2.20/4.00 Scale for SC/ST/PC candidates respectively.
In other cases, where grade points are not awarded and only marks are awarded the candidates must have secured at least 60% marks for General/OBC Category.
For SC/ST/PC candidates, the minimum percentage of marks will be 50%
Candidates who have already joint PhD should not have completed two years as on the date of exam; the above condition will be also apply to in-service candidates.

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